Corporate Mission

We will drive innovation in the productivity of
resources and materials for nonferrous metals
including copper as the main material.
We will maintain a harmonious relationship with
our stakeholders and contribute to the sustainable
development of society.

We at Pan-Pacific Copper recognize, as our social mission, ensuring a stable supply of nonferrous resources and materials including copper as the main material. To fulfill this mission, in all aspects of our operations from raw materials procurement to smelting/processing outsourcing and product marketing, we will continue to pursue rationality, operational efficiency, quality improvement and other matters. We will also promote the utilization of recycled materials to continue contributing to improvements in the productivity of resources and materials.
We are committed to maintaining and enhancing a harmonious relationship with a wide range of stakeholders, including our customers and the communities in which we operate.
Through these efforts, we will contribute to the sustainable development of society on a global scale.

Pan-Pacific Copper Code of Conduct

As a supplier of nonferrous materials covering areas of operations from raw materials procurement to smelting/processing outsourcing and product marketing of nonferrous metals including copper as the main material, Pan-Pacific Copper will conduct its business operations in accordance with the following code of conduct. By doing so, we aim to obtain the satisfaction and trust of our customers and of society as a whole, and to become a respected multinational corporation that helps create a sustainable society.

  1. 1.Our social mission
    • We will use limited resources to efficiently supply a variety of products while minimizing waste. At the same time, we will promote the utilization of recycled materials to reduce the impact of our operations on the environment. By doing so, we hope to obtain the satisfaction and trust of our customers and of society as a whole.
  2. 2.Compliance with laws and regulations and engagement in fair trade
    • We will comply with domestic and/or overseas laws and regulations, and will engage in fair, transparent and free competition and trade based on the fulfillment of our social responsibilities.
  3. 3.Disclosure of corporate information and protection of personal information
    • We will communicate not only with our shareholders, but also with the public at large, and will disclose corporate information in an active and equitable manner while focusing on the protection of personal information.
  4. 4.Creation of an optimum working environment
    • We will respect employees' personalities, human rights and individuality and will ensure a comfortable working environment that places top priority on safety and disaster prevention.
  5. 5.Environmental conservation
    • Based on the awareness that tackling environmental issues is an essential requirement for corporate existence, we will engage in activities aimed at conserving the global environment, including biodiversity, in a voluntary, active and continuous manner.
  6. 6.Enhancement and strengthening of risk management
    • We will establish a more sophisticated risk management system based on upgraded data collection/analysis capabilities.
  7. 7.Harmonious relationship with society
    • We will commit ourselves to social contribution activities and work as a good corporate citizen to achieve a harmonious relationship with the rest of the society of which we are part.
  8. 8.International business operations
    • In international business operations, we aim to contribute to sustainable development by protecting the fundamental human rights of people in countries and areas where we operate, and by respecting their cultures and customs.
  9. 9.Rejection of association with criminal elements
    • We stand firm against any involvement with individuals or groups engaged in criminal activities.
  10. 10.Management responsibilities
    • Management executives will take the lead in implementing this code of conduct and ensure it is thoroughly implemented across the Group. In the event of any non-compliance with the code of conduct, the management executives will investigate the causes, work to prevent reoccurrence, disclose information to the public promptly and accurately, and be held accountable for the event.